The rest of the world seems to have gone AWOL today here chez Casa Reynard. Looking out of the window, I can't see much beyond the hedge.
Slept really well, although I still feel somewhat grotty. Have spent the morning rearranging my preserves storage space to make space for the stuff I've made recently. Had no choice, the kitchen work surfaces were hidden under jars of chutney and jam...

Then I've also decanted the apples I picked yesterday into cardboard trays. And a few damaged ones that I didn't spot have gone into the fruit bowl for immediate use.
Lord Burghley and New Rock Pippins are late season keeping apples, so they should store well till Easter. I find it amazing that these are varieties dating back to the 1840s and 1820s respectively - they're such tasty apples and blow the socks off what you get in the supermarket. I also picked some of the last of the Chivers' Delight yesterday, as those are really good too, a wonderful balance of acidity, sweetness and crunch.
I've also picked through my two remaining trays of tomatoes, and I've got a stack that will be turned into a big batch of sauce this afternoon. I've gotten a dab hand at skinning tomatoes...
Have also arranged to acquire a stack of oval racing magazines for my archive. The chap didn't want payment as he said he was glad that they're going to a good home, so I shall be sending him some marmalade and chutney as a thank you.
Anyways, it's almost time for luncheon.