Can they be frozen? Or have you got enough visitors this weekend to eat seven large cakes? Or should I send you my address and I can take care of it for you.
Is it a big Tesco's that you go to? The one in this town is a tiddly tiny one about the size of a tennis court.
I could freeze them if I had the space in the freezer...

But I find such cakes keep more than adequately in airtight tupperwares kept in a cool place. These weren't even near their BBE date, they just wanted shot of them for whatever reason. So they'll keep awhile yet. My neighbour took a couple off my hands, and I do have some friends popping round later in the week. But you're welcome to help me with them I suppose...
Think there must have been at least 60 cakes in total, not counting the couple of cases of packs of cake bars; all "Finest" branded, the big party / celebration cakes, trays of cupcakes, some Cadbury's Flake ones and Thorntons ones. I went mainly for the chocolate ones out of preference (not a big fan of sugar fondant covered stuff), but snagged a salted caramel and a mocha one as well. Then they brought out two more trolleys full of cakes and "finest" buns after all the other regulars left. So bagged a good supply of buns as well.
It's a pretty big Tesco, bigger than average, certainly - it's one of those out-of-town 24 hour ones. There's a much bigger one in Bar Hill on the outskirts of Cambridge, but not worth my while driving down there, especially as yellow stickering can be so random...
Last Easter Monday, they had something like 40 cases of soft fruit to get shot of...