Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Daughter moved to another state, here in the US. now the car is an issue because the loan is in my name, as-is the registration & our insurance company won't insure it out of state (on a permanent basis). it would actually be easier for her to buy an entirely other car, in her new state! otherwise she'd have to buy it from me w/ a new loan, then have that bank provide a new title to the other state (with her name on it), plus other stuff ... :wacko:

Which state?


Itching to get back on my bike's
Well that went down well


Legendary Member
I decided to walk to the library for a browse but the whole street is closed due to an overnight accident. So I couldn't go.

Looks like someone turned into the street way too fast and lost control, damaged pavements, wrecked various items of street furniture and came to stop up against the corner of a building. I would hazard a guess whoever was driving may have been exceeding the speed limit....

So many people constantly moan about the "poor" motorists being used to provide taxes but who will pay to sort out the pavement, lampposts, bench and whatever else got wiped out, the building will probably need to be assessed by an engineer in case of structural damage, all the shops and businesses will lose a day's takings as they can't open and no doubt the driver or any passenger probably needed medical attention? The accident investigation will probably cost a lot too. No doubt the driver probably thinks the few hundred he pays in insurance is a rip off (assuming there was insurance).


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Most are twisted, although I did have a couple of longish lengths that are probably too thick.

Look up Harry Lauder as a caricature Scotsman. A twisted stick was his trademark as well as mawkish songs.
He did sing with some genuine feeling “ Keep right on to the road of the road” after his son was killed in one of the wars but otherwise not my favourite.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Yes apparently so. The packet says soaking overnight reduces the cooking time from 30 minutes to 20 minutes!

I had never heard of steel cut oats either but the packet looks mu h the same which was why I picked it up by mistake.

Five minute microwave for pinhead oatmeal and no soaking so cannot see why yours should be so different.
Warm, sunny and blustery here chez Casa Reynard, and we did have a good bit of rain overnight.

Slept OK-ish, though still feel tired after a full-on day yesterday. Have spent the morning doing some gentle puttering about, generally getting ready for tomorrow. I think having to get up at cat-show-oclock again will be a shock to the system... :laugh: At least, as a judge, I don't have to get up quite as early as the exhibitors, but I still need time to sit down to go through the paperwork, sign the results slips and have a :cuppa: before judging starts at 10 am.

I plan on spending some time on the Chevron B38 this afternoon while I watch some cycling, and then at tea time, I'm meeting up with a friend for a walk with her dogs.

It is almost time for luncheon.
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