Mundane News

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Legendary Member
I offer you my condolences @deptfordmarmoset.


Today's Lunch stop.
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I actually had to cut today's ride short due to a broken chain about 30 miles in. First time I ever had that happen. The chain didn't actually break but the joining link has disappeared and I couldn't find all the parts of it on the road despite looking in the hope I could put it together again and continue. No idea why that should happen now as the it hadn't been disturbed in several years.

Had to hitch a lift of a stranger and drive back for the bike, hence being home earlier than planned.

I suppose the moral of the story is to carry a chain tool and a spare link but I've never done that with hub gears or singlespeeds as I always felt problems were more likely with derailleurs.
This relates to 2016!


Silencing his legs regularly
It was. And a great day was had by all....

Other than a brief shower during the ghost walk, the weather was good and the company better.
Might I request that, as per last year, any reruns be arranged in public on the forum and not via PMs? I was completely unaware of this going on until the posts on here. I might well have attended had I known about it, and I can't be the only friend of Vernon to have been in this position. Not terribly pleasant.


Cycling in the sun
Bugrit. My brother died last night. He went into a hospital last week and died under a week later with a cocktail of cancers topped off with pneumonia. I'm ok, my time's now more given over to supporting my mother.
:hugs:Sorry to hear your bad news, it must be hard on your mother, you expect to go before your children.
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