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Just having coffee in bed... so much nicer when someone else makes it.
Coffee in bed here too but I've made it. Waiting for Mr K to get back from work then I'll have to get up so he can go to bed.


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
I so hate dealing with officialdom :gun:

Last week
Company payroll woman: We can't reclaim the emergency tax you paid. You need to contact the revenue office.
Revenue Office (after waiting on the phone for 30 minutes): Oh you need your employer to do that for you. We can't help you directly.
Company payroll woman: We can't do it. Perhaps fill out one of these tax reclaim forms and post it to them.

This week
Call from Revenue office: Why did you send that form and where did you get it? That form has been obsolete since 2003! Your employer needs to contact us directly and it will then be added to your pay cheque:cry:
Company payroll woman: I told you before you need to contact the revenue office. It's nothing to do with me:banghead:
Me (thinking): Why don't you try doing your job you lazy thing? (polite version)

It's my money! PLEASE ****ING GIVE IT TO ME:gun::banghead::cry::ninja:
Over here, the PAYE calculation is cumulative: you work out how much tax you should have paid since the beginning of the year, take of what you've already paid, and what's left is the tax due that period. In this way, any over paid tax in the year (caused by, say, an emergency tax code being changed to the correct tax code) will be automatically refunded. If the Irish system not like that?


Over here, the PAYE calculation is cumulative: you work out how much tax you should have paid since the beginning of the year, take of what you've already paid, and what's left is the tax due that period. In this way, any over paid tax in the year (caused by, say, an emergency tax code being changed to the correct tax code) will be automatically refunded. If the Irish system not like that?

My problem was caused by my last job being in Northern Ireland so none of the paperwork was relevant so I ended up paying emergency tax for the first few weeks. It should have been refunded by now. A few other people who started with me also paid emergency tax but have had it refunded (which is what should happen) but I haven't so I asked some questions and haven't got any answers.

I don't really understand how the tax credit system works here as it has changed completely since my last job in ROI. You used to have a tax free allowance and paid tax on anything above that which you earned.

Deleted member 1258

Breakfast, the gangs all here

It's beautiful here....


Hol den Vorschlaghammer!
My problem was caused by my last job being in Northern Ireland so none of the paperwork was relevant so I ended up paying emergency tax for the first few weeks. It should have been refunded by now. A few other people who started with me also paid emergency tax but have had it refunded (which is what should happen) but I haven't so I asked some questions and haven't got any answers.

I don't really understand how the tax credit system works here as it has changed completely since my last job in ROI. You used to have a tax free allowance and paid tax on anything above that which you earned.
I've had a quick look. It seems not unlike the UK system with a few differences in terminology. The major difference is what happens to new employees without a P45 (UK) or tax credit certificate (ROI). If you've not worked in the UK since April 6th and it's your only job, your employer should give you the emergency tax code on a non-cumulative basis. This is the default tax code (this year 1100L) that I and most other people have. In the ROI, you're taxed at 40% with no tax-free allowance! Because PAYE is cumulative, this should sort itself out automatically when the Revenoo sends out a P6 Tax Code Notice, or a PPS number (ROI), as far as I can see. Have you not had your PPS number?
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