Mundane News

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Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Just eaten some rather fine Gouda purchased in Lidl.

That shop just keeps getting better and better.


My Armchair
Oh look, car is all shiny and clean is it :evil:


Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
Shopping and car washed in one day, my I have been productive ^_^

Time for a sit out in the garden with a cuppa.

You wash your shopping....?


I so hate dealing with officialdom :gun:

Last week
Company payroll woman: We can't reclaim the emergency tax you paid. You need to contact the revenue office.
Revenue Office (after waiting on the phone for 30 minutes): Oh you need your employer to do that for you. We can't help you directly.
Company payroll woman: We can't do it. Perhaps fill out one of these tax reclaim forms and post it to them.

This week
Call from Revenue office: Why did you send that form and where did you get it? That form has been obsolete since 2003! Your employer needs to contact us directly and it will then be added to your pay cheque:cry:
Company payroll woman: I told you before you need to contact the revenue office. It's nothing to do with me:banghead:
Me (thinking): Why don't you try doing your job you lazy thing? (polite version)

It's my money! PLEASE ****ING GIVE IT TO ME:gun::banghead::cry::ninja:
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