Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
You are Arthur 'two sheds' Jackson!
Three, actually, but I'm not boasting :laugh:

One important shed, and two lesser ones!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Three teas down, time for coffee.

Meanwhile, I have just had a total brain failure. For some reason, when my smart meter's monitor kept showing ''Waiting for data'', I logged into my energy supplier and waited a fair old while to get from virtual assistant to a human behind a keyboard. Why on earth didn't I simply do what we've all been doing for the last 20 years or so: switch it off and switch it on again?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Supposed to be dry today but tomorrow's forecast is dire. Not going triking today as too many other things to do and travelling tomorrow if the Calmac gods are kind.
Some people have strange ideas. Somebody on FB asks " it is very unlikely but can we buy a camera memory card anywhere here?" There are at least 6 shops where you can get such things.
In the past you could get almost anything and also get an expert to fix things if you knew where to ask. There was always somebody somewhere. It you had a faulty telly in the days when such thing got mended rather than junked you went to Margaret's Sweetie Shop and asked for Calum. He could even sell you a new one from stock if you wanted.
Many who come here think we are a shower of hicks. I was once asked seriously if I had ever seen a train and they supposed a trip to Oban was a major event. I refrained from telling them that I had just come up overnight by road from Wales and played along with their weird notions.:laugh:


I plumped for simplicity and had Weetabix for brekkie :okay:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Going for an interview In London, setting off this afternoon. Shoes pressed and skirt polished, big pile of sandwiches made, three flasks of tea made-I come back on Friday.
All I need to do now is go down to the shore to collect a basket of oysters as I believe you can pay your bus fares with them in London.
Wise move with the flasks of tea - a decent cup of tea is surprisingly difficult to find when you're out and about. And good luck with the interview.
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