hmmm, interesting sight! we periodically hear strange aviation noises over our home, under the cover of darkness. last night was another. sounded like jet engines, like a jet was flying right overhead, 500 feetish? but real slowly. except a real jet would have made more noise. plus it moved more slowly than a jet at such a low altitude. I looked out a window but didn't see anything or any lights. on another occasion, I heard something like a helicopter, but definitely NOT a helicopter. we live near a small former military base & a current FEMA bunker & a small short (amateur?) airstrip, near a river. I once came a cross a gentleman with prior government contract work experience in Cambridge, MA (US) & elsewhere & mentioned the things I hear at night, that sound like nothing normal & he gave me a look, as if he knew something he couldn't disclose. unrelated? driving home the other day I saw 2 heavily armored blacked out military? vehicles (but not like what I've seen before on local news) buzzing along my local route. I called the state police in case it was another case of "rise of the moors" as had closed a local highway in an armed standoff. but the operator said it was "a cpl of ours". let's hope so, right? I wonder if they are getting ready in case more nutzo, lunatic, moronic, chump supporters, act up again?!