It is s bit cooler here today but I'm already sweating .
They say that ignorance is bliss. Well! I've been blissfully ignorant over the past few days . I've been trying to free a seized aluminium seat post . I've tried caustic soda , vinegar, rust removing solution. The caustic soda solution bubbled up well making me a bit fearful of it causing too much damage . Most of the seat posts that I have are about 1/8 inch walled. I had visions of paper thin walls by the time I eventually got it free. Last night I decided enough was enough! It wouldn't budge , so out with a hacksaw blade . I cut it as close to the frame as possible, into the fluting . It was solid ! Eventually a small hole appeared! Out with my largest drill, about 1/2 inch, with a bit of a waggle It opened out enough to get a hacksaw blade in. The hole opened up the post to reveal the actual thickness, about 5/16 walls, and I had visions of paper thin walls !

l'm in for a fair bit of sawing.