Cannot take my car out today as I live on the route to the Games Field and any space is immediately parked up by clever dicks who think they are smart to take up resident parking spaces and walk up to the field.
in the recent past there were fisticuffs with people parking across house gates and even on foot it was impossible to get out or in. The police had to attend to persuade them to park in a considerate fashion and calm things down a bit.
Some truly dreadful kilts outfits just gone past.

It used to be a public holiday and everything shut for the day except the pubs. Now nothing shuts and there are loads of stalls selling stuff at the field. Cannot really complain about that as I used to be among them although we did shut our shop.
A special ferry ran from Oban and returned with hopefully most of the passengers at the end of the afternoon. This no longer happens as there are no spare ferries.
One bugbear which used to annoy me was dog owners who had no water for their dogs and no receptacle for it even if they could get any. We had our motorhome there and I discovered that our head girl who was a dog owner gave our soup plates with water to the careless berks.