Mundane News

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Leg End Member
YAAYYY!!! Summer holiday's began. Off until 16th August.

Lots of bike rides and gym work.


You've done it again!!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Decent lumpy hour on the road bike at lunch. 360 degree headwind though ! :whistle:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Up to the local surgery this morning for bloods and B12. No sign of the resident nurses so some stranger did the works. Not much chat and visiting nurses often appear a bit patronising and talk down to you unlike the locals who treat you as an equal.
Understandable I suppose since they have no idea how gaga we are.
I hope the two usual ones are not off isolating as apparently cases are rising alarmingly here. While waiting to check in I heard the staff telling tourists on the phone that they could come to the surgery if urgent but remain in their cars until summoned.
The resident population is about 1000 but some estimates put it currently up to 3000 so not surprising that infections are rising.
Within 200 yards of my house there are 6 holiday homes all occupied by an unknown number of people and in some cases 2 cars. The traffic level passing along our street has risen enormously so I have no idea how many there are further along.
Tomorrow if I get up early I may try to get out on the trike by about 7 o'clock to avoid the traffic.
Cannot do Friday as the GP wants a phone consultation sometime in the morning. Apparently just to have a chat to see how I am doing as they approached me rather than the other way round.


Cynical idealist
I've banned myself (temporarily) from HMV and Siesta in Canterbury.
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