Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
This evening I tried a new (to me) knitting stitch called Brioche Honeycomb. It is not too complicated, basically purl one row, the next row is K1 (K1 K1B) to last two stitches.

The destructions say that K1B is "knit into the stitch two rows below". But that make the wrong side (looks like stocking stitch) all wobbley wibbley and different sizes.:unsure: The wrong side needs to be reasonably neat because the lapel of the jacket has the wrong side showing where it turns over. Should I be knitting into the stitch below the next stitch on the left needle, which is two rows below the row I am knitting?



Legendary Member
Did an 8 mile run before 9 am this morning, took Jessiethepup out for a walk, (Nettiethedog is still in hostpital with cystitis, poor love) been for a meeting down the cafe.

Today's earworm is Martin by TRB
Good luck to Jack @User , I hope he feels better soon.

I'm sorry to report that NettieTheDog is at the vets for an over night stay, she's not eating and there was blood in her stool this morning. Vet thinks it's probably pancreatitis playing up, so she's on a drip and pain killers ATM.

In other news, it's bloody windy out there and all my ginger nuts are broken.
Hope she improves quickly x


Legendary Member
Do ginger nuts taste the same if they are broken? Or are broken ones more difficult to dunk?
The latter
These guys have made me laugh - someone really should check before publishing!
" Power Networks said power has been restored to 233,700 of the 231,900 properties affected by Storm Doris...." :laugh:

"The UK Power Networks website is displaying an interactive map showing details of all the power cuts."

Yep. Really handy to know that when you have no power to access it :laugh:
(Edited for typo... not quite so funny otherwise)
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Legendary Member
Daughter has just send us this photo from Myanmar, how I wish I was there!......

I've spent the morning clearing up the mess Doris left in the garden. Or at least making things safe. I've yet to finish sorting out Charlie's mess...

Four plum trees down and several large branches from various other trees, plus a stand of hazel flattened by one of said plum trees. Good job I have decent chainsaw skills. At least I don't need to worry about kindling, there's plenty of that lying around, all I need to do is rake it up.

And after looking at the website, I've figured out what the heck Puma have done with their football shirts. They've gone down the vanity sizing route. :cursing: Instead of running from S to XXXL, they now run from XS to XXL. So what was labeled as a Small is actually a Medium. No wonder it looked like I was wearing a circus tent. And the large junior is now the same size as the adult medium :eek:
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