Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I just dropped my phone on the floor and it launched the camera. Now there's a handy tip.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I've crawled around the perimeter of my lawn to cut the bits the lawnmower won't reach. I'll use the hand pushed mower later.
It's a much nicer sound than strimmers and hoverwotsits..

BTW. The bumble bee really showed its displeasure at me cutting the grass back in front of the hedgehog house where it lives 🐝 😂
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I went on a bike ride.

I'm back now.


Report follows when I've finished sorting out the apartment.
The Red Arrows flew right overhead. My camera wouldn't focus! :angry:
They had a black Hawk with them .


Our burglar alarm is playing up,it is going off but only inside the house,no screaming outside bells.So Mrs P has rung the company today,now these people bought out the people who bought out the company we started with.How long have you had the control panel 1993 replied Mrs P,how long came back the astonished reply,we will be there tomorrow,I can see us getting a replacement panel.ha ha.
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