Mundane News

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I was out on the bike and there was a skip outside a house with an exercise bike sitting on top of all the rubbish.

It seems that every time that I see a skip outside a house, there's an exercise bike lying on top of it. Why do people buy these things and not use them?:wacko:
They occasionally appear in the metals skip at my local dechetterie and in reasonable condition too. Like gym memberships people have the best intentions but the boredom of moving cast iron against gravity and staring at their reflection in a smeared plate glass window onto a boring streetscape while pedaling or running on a belt becomes too much drudge.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Heard my second cuckoo of the year and got a clear sight of it sitting on a telephone wire. I have noticed in the past and also today that they seem to follow you along the road for a bit. Surprisingly big birds. The one I saw today looked about the size of a pigeon.
As I was out on the trike it was still cold but a different feel to the general atmosphere as tho' things were beginning to grow a bit and summer is coming. The air smells different. Not the cold sharp smell of winter but somehow warmer.
Being changeover day for the holiday lets the traffic was not too bad. Some local but mostly tourist. Lots of small tents on the campsite and not as many motorhomes as usual.
The mods on our FB page have wakened up and shut the sea eagle/tourist thing down. Cannot upset a tourist. Just think of all the money they keep telling us they give us out of the goodness of their hearts.
The car racing lot tell us everyone on Mull is better off every year because of the rally. Since I have got nothing so far it must be building up to a tidy sum^_^.
When we had a shop we shut down for the car racing as the turnover fell so much it did not even pay the electricity bill far less wages. The ordinary punters we sold to just stayed at home.:sad:
Dreary, grey and damp here chez Casa Reynard. It's not currently raining, but that's not saying much.

Took me a while to nod off last night, but in the end, I slept quite well. I have spent the morning rejigging the fridges in the kitchen and utility room in preparation for this evening's bout of yellow stickering.

As a result, I have discovered that I am currently in possession of 18 rashers of bacon.

Anyways, back to writing, methinks.
Well it's been a glum old week. On Tuesday the sick cats illnesses overran the vets, mine and sick cats abilities and I instructed he be euthanised.
I have been digging out a formidable evergreen bush that I disliked since I bought our house and have sorely learned of the tenacity of a roots, rocks and soil amalgam coupled with pensioner upper body strength.
I wondered if large veterinary clinics had cold storage facilities when I began to think about plans for his end and yes they do.
Trying to swing a mattock next to a wall is challenging work.

Ah, sorry to see this :hugs: Play hard on Rainbow Bridge, sick cat xxx


Picked up me pills,then fell into a cafe one latte and one kit Kat a natter with Victor the owner and all is well again.Just needed to do something different.A bonus I have found a reserve hedge plant growing nicely in a tub,so replaced a dead one with it am sure it will enjoy its new position better,it can talk to the other hedge plants now,nurse more tablets for postman he has got some funny ideas.
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