Full time tea drinker
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- Armonmy Way
There's loads of sugar in soft fruit (plentiful at this time of the year) and dried fruits like raisins, sultanas, cranberries, etc. It might help to use them to reduce your ''addiction'' to refined sugars. And stick some nuts in while you're at it - they're filling and apparently they're good for you.I've just eaten Mini T's remaining four variety pack boxes (2x coco pops, 2x frosties). I think I have a sugar problem; I'm a cereal overeater. I'm actually serious, think I need to wean myself off it or at least drastically reduce intake. I'm not putting on weight so that's how I excuse not having done so, but it can't be good for my teeth or insides. It's just so hard as it's so bloody nice!
(Personally, I love sugar but rarely crave it because I get my sugar - fructose? - from elsewhere.)