Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
My toenails are now cut back to sockable size. I did my fingernails too.
Here are some pictures from yesterday. You can see masses of clouds lining up , but once they got to a certain point they all dissolved.



Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Cannot believe the report on the news.People booking two or three holidays for the same dates One couple booked a holiday abroad and the same time in Cromer.If on gets cancelled the other will be available..What happens if neither gets cancelled They end up paying for two holidays one of which they will not be able to take so preventing someone else booking

Akin to the purchasing of toilet rolls, just in case.

In other news, we've had 0.09" of rain and my planned cutting of the grass has been postponed. Windy too & barometer seems to be taking a dive.
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Un rouleur infatigable
This morning, I’m supposed to be doing a recce of a ride I’m doing on Sunday for the club. The ride will take 3 hours. Heavy rain will fall after two hours according to the Met Office and it will continue raining until early Saturday morning. So as The Clash once asked, ‘Should I stay or should I go?’

I know most of the route anyway as it’s on roads I ride often. I wanted to ride it in case I felt any amendments need to be made (I didn’t plan the route). However, while not generally a fair weather cyclist and a bit of rain doesn’t bother me, I‘m not keen on getting soaked.

I think I’ve just talked myself out of going. 🤔
I’m glad I didn’t go on my ride this morning. The rain started 45 minutes earlier than forecast and all the trees look like they are competing in a head banging contest - there are some impressive performances.

The letterbox is tapping out a tune too.
Blustery, grey and wet here chez Casa Reynard.

I spent the morning in the utility room catching up on some stuff that needed to be scanned and printed. This includes printing out the completed sections of my writing project. I have it backed up on a USB stick, but I like to keep a hardcopy handy. First, it's an extra back up, and second, it's nice to have it on hand to reference stuff.

It is time for lunch, and then I shall be doing some work on my archive this afternoon.
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