Chilly, blustery with occasional sunny intervals here chez Casa Reynard. No sign of any rain yet, but looking out of the window, the sky is looking suspiciously dark over Pymoor and Oxlode, so I doubt things will stay dry for very much longer.
Green bin was emptied this morning.
Gave Max the MTB the bath that had to be postponed from yesterday. He didn't look *that* dirty, but the colour of the water in the bucket definitely spoke otherwise...

Also tidied up the seat post with some tin foil (that doesn't half work a treat at getting the rust off!) and sprayed the drivetrain with WD40 while everything dries. Will oil everything tomorrow.
It's Madam Lexi's 7th official adoption anniversary today. When I say official, she lived here for two months prior as a foster, as we'd run out of cat pens - we (i.e. Ely CP) took 42 cats out of one house in Ely. Anyways, the girls have a can of tuna to share later. Canned tuna is one of Lexi's absolute favourite things.