Mundane News

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Un rouleur infatigable
I didn't know whether to put this here or in the Any Good Jokes... thread. However, this isn't a joke. The person who told my wife this was absolutely, one hundred per cent serious. I suggested it may have been a wind-up, but my wife says that this is only the latest theory she's heard from this person.

Apparently, the reason for the two national lockdowns is that the government needed to change the batteries in the country's pigeons.

Yes, you read that right. Battery-powered pigeons.

You see, the nation's pigeons are really surveillance drones to spy on the populace, particularly any foreigners (there was no definition of 'foreigner', however having heard of this person's opinions previously it could be anyone they don't like / 'not like us'). This is why there are so many pigeons in Trafalgar Square where spies from the various foreign embassies meet clandestinely. Also, why you see so many pigeons perching on window ledges. The pigeons record the meetings and send them to the government.

The government thought they had recalled all the pigeons for the installation of new batteries in the first lockdown, but they missed a few and there were a few faulty hence the second lockdown.

The good news is that all battery installations were successful so there should be no third lockdown.

'So what about the new tiered system?', my wife asked.

Well, that's to control the people and so the government knows where everyone is.

Presumably, so they can send the pigeons to watch us.

I laughed myself silly when my wife told me. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Sunny, mild and breezy here chez Casa Reynard, but it isn't quite so mild as yesterday. I reckon once the sun goes down, there'll definitely be a nip in the air.

The crock pot is locked and loaded with a spiced beef casserole, and I had scotch broth, toast, a pear, a tangerine and two :cuppa: for lunch.

I'm about to hop on Max the MTB and go and deliver some Christmas cards. Maybe being outside will help clear the goo from my sinuses.
Good morning. I have just realised that if you get dressed in a dark bedroom it is quite possible to put a shirt on inside out.

Definitely blue skies outside today.
during the worst of our covid shutdown, I left the house on two separate occasions, with my pants on inside out. not realizing it until I reached for non existent pockets. at lest they were track pants, so I don't think anyone at the grocery store noticed
Max the MTB definitely earned his keep this afternoon. :smile: The roads out here are a sea of mud and gravel, not helped by the fact that the place across the road is having works done, and Max is the ideal bike for dealing with these sorts of conditions.

I really don't get on with the saddle though (came with another bike I bought SH) as the nose is too long and too wide and it pinches me in places I'd rather not be pinched. After the hols, Max is getting a Charge Ladle.

Anyways, time for a :cuppa: and something biskity. I picked up some Mr Kipling festive whirl thingies on sticker on Saturday.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Been out with my shadow again today. Lovely winter sun and nice and mild. Just a gilet and long sleeve merino top today.



Itching to get back on my bike's
Off to the vets after tea with the old boy to have his blood checked and too ask about his dirty looking paws i think the old boy is getting old as his wheezing is getting worse and he sounds like a wood pigeon at times
You're way ahead of me. And in a completely difference time zone. I've another 2 hours to wait. To keep me busy, I'm roasting vegetables to see how they get on. I'm not used to electric fan ovens having always used gas before so best to get a feel for it before Christmas.

Leccy fan over here chez Casa Reynard. :smile: No mains gas out here in the boonies.

You'll prolly need to reduce oven temp or cooking time compared to a gas oven.
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