Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
My winter tyres have arrived


Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
mission accomplished, come on over we'll chat bikes

View attachment 563067
I'm like in the outer outer outer Chicago suburbs,(Bloomington/Normal) so I may not be able to drop by today.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
A question. I'm simmering an unsmoked gammon joint before putting it in the oven. (30 minutes, Gas Mk6 if you want to know)
Can/should I use the water as a stock base for a pea and ham soup? I was thinking of grating some potatoes, rinsing them and mixing with some cornflour as a thickener, and using the slow cooker.

Sound OK? 🤔
Chicken Boullion, good quality, or Better Than Boullion.
A question. I'm simmering an unsmoked gammon joint before putting it in the oven. (30 minutes, Gas Mk6 if you want to know)
Can/should I use the water as a stock base for a pea and ham soup? I was thinking of grating some potatoes, rinsing them and mixing with some cornflour as a thickener, and using the slow cooker.

Sound OK? 🤔

Generally, with a gammon, you should put first in plain water, bring to the boil, then discard water. That should sort the saltiness. And then put fresh water in along with onion, celery, carrots, peppercorns and bay leaf and simmer for however long per unit weight.

That second lot of stock will make amazing soup. But only salt it right at the end - as the others have said, it may not need it.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Very wet over the hill in Manchester @DCLane

He said it was a bit damp. And windy. Anyway he got there safely and enjoyed his track session. I'm there tomorrow night for the same.


Has the memory of a goldfish
Heh, well I was having lunch about the time you posted that. I listened to the Grand Prix and it was rather snoresome... :blush:
Wasn't it just? A George Russell in a Mercedes might have at least given us an interest.

" Lewis Hamilton said he felt "destroyed" and just "happy to be alive" after his first F1 race back following coronavirus at the Abu Dhabi GP. "

Well maybe he shouldn't have driven then? He said earlier that he didn't feel too good. Was he worried that Russell might have got a little of the Mercedes glory?
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