- Location
- Cambridgeshire, UK
new fridge day, yesterday. we've been w/o a freezer since August. thanks to covid the thing was back-ordered. originally we thought it would take 2 weeks & we were horrified. got a call last Wed that it would be delivered last Friday. we didn't believe it. Friday comes & the delivery guys said it won't fit because it's the exact size of the space we have, but 1" too tall. I told him I would whip off the top cabinet, but he still refused to bring it into the house. they left. we raised a stink & I whipped off the unused top cabinets. low & behold, it's in! don't ever get between a woman & her new fridge, that she waited 3 months for!
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we had ice cream last night & kept the left overs!!!!!!! whoohoo!
I wouldn't be surprised if the cats claim the spot on top of that...