Mundane News

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The neighbour's kids noticed - 'Oh Mr Nasty has light's on their Christmas Tree'. :whistle:

I'm known as Mr Nasty as I dared complain 3 years ago about the junk the 'bob the builder' neighbour was burning on his wood burner in the house and it stunk my house out (their home is 100m away) - the said stove had no building regs and being in a 'clean air' area you can't burn any old building timber.

The kids must be terribly confused as I've been nothing but nice to them. :laugh: Bob is hated by everyone

Ooooer... :ohmy:

And wood soaked in creosote, tar, oil or paint both smokes and stinks like blazes when it burns. My sympathies, as it's one of the few smells worse than cat farts... xx(

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
I may go for a bike ride, just to keep the freewheeling lifestyle going.


Enjoyed another leisurely Saturday afternoon ramble on the Rudge:becool:

I decided to investigate why my Raleigh Twenty was reluctant to change to third gear and often ended up in the neutral no man's land position between second and third the last time I rode it. I had thought the 48 year old hub was gunged up and I had plans to open it and wash it out and add fresh lube but I decided I didn't need to operate on the hub as I am reasonably certain that the problem is a sticky cable which didn't really respond to my attempts to work oil into it. I need to order a replacement I suppose.

Now trying to prove I'm not a robot by selecting images of traffic lights, tractors and fire hydrants from tiny pictures:wacko:


I tried ye olde Internet Explorer in case it was a browser issue but the results are the same.


Über Member
First impressions ..... well-maintained paths all the way (they put my usual rut-filled E Anglian ones to shame :sad:). Some new hazards - hard spiky tropical nuts on the path; many more people out jogging and cycling than I'm used to (big city, not rural E Anglia any longer!). Scary traffic on the main roads (big container lorries, moving fast, and not much leeway given to cyclists) - but the abundance of cycle trails where I'm staying means I can probably avoid the roads most of the time. All new, all exciting ^_^. Unaccustomed earth, indeed.


Über Member
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