Cool, overcast and rainy here chez Casa Reynard. I want a refund of on the forecast, they said it was supposed to be dry after 10 am, and be sunny come lunchtime.

So much for today's planned bike ride.
So I spent the morning continuing Operation Kitchen Cupboard. I reckon my dad must've gone through a phase of buying pepper mills, because aside from the big one I always use, I found another six (assorted) in another cupboard.

I also found four cafetieres and several milk jugs.
I also have a box of ancient jars, cans and packs of seasoning that got shoved to the back. Need to sort those out to see what's going to hit the bin and what warrants further investigation.
Oh, and I have *FINALLY* found my tin of mustard powder. And tin of custard powder.
Anyways, time for lunch. I has a hungry.