I've been doing a bit of remembering the past and in a bit of a nostalgic moment clicked on buy it now button , so I'm expecting a parcel to arrive somewhen soon .
What is it ? It's a Dinky Alfa Romeo racing car !
It brought back memories of how we used to race cars across the playground in infant's school back in the 60's. Quite a few didn't last long as the playground sloped towards the centre where there was a central drain waiting to catch them .
I'm not sure but I think that most of the car's must have been hand me downs from older brothers as the car's used were from the early 50's. Maseratis, Alfas , Ferraris and Cooper Bristol's.
I think a few of us ended up with scraped knuckles .
Oh! I used my brother's Maserati. I couldn't get a Cooper Bristol .