Mundane News

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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Back in the 'shed office' today after about 10 days break. Some staff back in to start teaching students.

One of the senior managers has been in and 'cleared' his office to make the space available for others - looking like we really will be moving to 'hot desking' in the future. Apparently all desks and communal areas have cleaning materials on - wipe everything down after use.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Back in the 'shed office' today after about 10 days break. Some staff back in to start teaching students.

One of the senior managers has been in and 'cleared' his office to make the space available for others - looking like we really will be moving to 'hot desking' in the future. Apparently all desks and communal areas have cleaning materials on - wipe everything down after use.
If you don't have confidence in the thoroughness of the previous desk user, this will be ''wipe everything down before use.''

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
My fit band has just scored my sleep at 83 points. This is higher than usual. I almost always get a low score for deep sleep though.

And while I'm on things corporeal, I got bitten by an insect of some kind high on both thighs. They itch badly. No hugs please. We must maintain social distancing.
Perhaps this is your problem? If so, try several applications of hot soapy water to your legs, and then wash yoour clothes on hot as well, if you can, or wash several times on warm. Chiggers are a nuisance to hikers and campers in the States.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Perhaps this is your problem? If so, try several applications of hot soapy water to your legs, and then wash yoour clothes on hot as well, if you can, or wash several times on warm. Chiggers are a nuisance to hikers and campers in the States.
I'd never heard of these before. I don't think it was mites, though, probably a mosquito. I'm relying on the antiseptic soothing powers of Sudocreme for now.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Righty. MrsF has decided to leave her hybrid at the caravan - her XC MTB is at home. She suggested I get some 'bigger' tyres for my best bike and leave that down there. As you know, I don't do much road riding now after breaking my spine, and prefer to keep out of traffic.

I've just ordered some Zaffiro Pro's for £11 each in 25c - that's about as big a tractor tyre as I can squeeze on the Herety. They also have a little tread so should help a little with some of the poor surfaces - it currently has super thin Michelin Pro 4's on it. A have a good 19 mile paved circuit I currently do on the MTB, but could do it OK on the road bike. Might even get back to doing a bit more on the road as the back lanes are nice and quiet. I've not ridden the best bike since breaking my spine 5 years ago. :ohmy:

It's a bit overkill for plodding about (Dura Ace and Columbus SLX frame), but I will at least be using it. :okay:
Warm, still and occasionally sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Spent the morning trying to file down a shonky weld in order to get a seatpost to fit. Not having much luck there, as the tools I can find aren't the best ones for the job. Plus I've now scratched the post, so can't return it. Mind, it's not an expensive one, and returning it would cost almost as much as the post.

And this bloody sinusitis flare up can go and do one. :angry:

Might treat myself to a bike bimble this afternoon.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Stuck in meetings on Skype/Teams - a bike ride is beckoning as soon as I finish work.:bicycle:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Argh, meeting still going on. Bored, so I decided I'd phone BT and blag another Mesh disc as part of the 'complete wifi' deal - you can have upto 3 free discs. Noticed MissF's wifi not too strong in her room, and it's a little slow out in the shed-office, so BT sending another. Whilst on-line they reviewed my deal and knocked £7 off the monthly bill. :okay:


Un rouleur infatigable
Had to pop in the garage for something earlier and noticed that the rear wheel on my Carrera was flat. Tyre and tube promptly off, ran the tube through a bucket of water, but no bubbles. Checked the tyre - no sharp pointy bits. So I've put the tube and tyre back on the rim and pumped it up. We shall see if it goes down again. If it does, I'll just swap the tube.
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