I'm back so far today's ride was as foillows:
Long loop to the river and back to Edeka (our version of Tesco/Sainsbury's), then Lidl, (Our version of... um... Lidl)
Return to apartment because I'm desperate for the bog. Take the long way because I spot a client at the bus stop and I don't want him to see me pulling into my road. This is one of the occupational hazards of working on Psychological care.
Drop off shopping and hoodie: it's getting warm.
Back to post office.
Realise my face covering is in my hoodie pocket.
Back to apartment, grab face mask.
To Post office, nip around the corner to chemist for some paracetamol.
Back to apartment to unload shopping.
Stand by for the next exciting instalments:
Hanging Out The Washing
Washing the Patio
Taking the Compost Out
Cleaning the Kitchen.
PS: I didn't get bog roll.