Mundane News

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Deleted member 26715

It's easy to switch energy providers ! B****cks it is ! :angry:. When you look at things like the feedback and customer complaints after hours of searching you end up more or less where you started . :angry:
Yes I reckon they are all as bad as each other, I moved to my latest, they wanted £90 a month which as I had been paying £101 a month was too little, so had to fight with them to increase it, now 8 months on although I am still in credit they want me to increase to £124, they have done it in such a way that I cannot amend it down.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Thanks I must check that out.

Online it also gives a big fat abnormal or normal flag at top of the results so you know whether to worry (or not) and expect a follow up call from GP etc. So today I can see my blood test results from yesterday’s tests, even though not heard from GP. Today’s results have a more detailed white blood cell breakdown in other words my immune system. So I’m off looking at what they mean 😀

Deleted member 26715

Got a poorly dog, she's either been bitten, stung or something has made it's nest inside, it's got black stuff coming out, managed to get a vet's appointment tomorrow afternoon, they asked for a picture, as long as it's not affecting her breathing they say tomorrow will be fine, that's a proper hard lump I'm holding.



Un rouleur infatigable
The website I was fixing yesterday has developed further issues. I am getting a headache.
Oh, and the hosting server has now blocked my IP. Wonderful :cry:
Overcast, warm and breezy here chez Casa Reynard.

The brisket is in the crock pot. Will have it with mashed potatoes and green beans later. The rest will make some mighty fine sandwiches.

And I felled the mulberry that got damaged by Ella and Francis.

I have had lunch. Cauliflower cheese soup, bread and butter, a chunk of pork pie and two :cuppa:

Shortly I will go back out to start clearing up the felled tree. Start with the loppers and then work up to the chainsaw.
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