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Leg End Member
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Leg End Member
A fine actress and avid cyclist that Emma Stone :okay:
View attachment 542856
Is that a Schwinn?


Had today off work, went for a wee bit of a coastal hike this morning, met friends on the beach for the afternoon, spent all evening helping a 2.5 year old to build sandcastles and generally running all over the beach. Back home again and completely knackered, relaxing with a bottle of beer. All parents have my utmost respect. An imperial century on a bike is easy compared to looking after a child:heat:
Had today off work, went for a wee bit of a coastal hike this morning, met friends on the beach for the afternoon, spent all evening helping a 2.5 year old to build sandcastles and generally running all over the beach. Back home again and completely knackered, relaxing with a bottle of beer. All parents have my utmost respect. An imperial century on a bike is easy compared to looking after a child:heat:

Why do you think I've stuck to cats? :laugh:


With a taste for poppadoms, if Madam Poppy is anything to go by... :laugh:

I left the packet unattended for long enough to make a :cuppa: and there she was, helping herself :ohmy:

I'd love to have a cat but it's not really practical when I'm living on a 3rd floor flat as I believe they should have easy access to the outdoors.

A neighbour gave me a black kitten when I was about three or four and I had that cat until I was in my mid twenties and I often think about her. She was an expert at helping herself to things.

One of many favourite stories about her helping herself was when my mother had made a tray of homemade sausage rolls for some sort of event being held in the church hall and she left them sitting on the back seat of the car wrapped up in tin foil and went back into the house to get something else and left the car door open and when she came back out again a little later the cat had eaten all the sausage meat but not the pastry so the car was full of big fluffy bits of pastry.

There was the other time someone had given my Dad an enormous 15lb salmon which was left in the kitchen sink full of water and the cat had managed to pull it to the floor and start eating it.

There was also the time years ago when the owner of the local shop used to drive around all the remote farm. One time he left the door open and the cat ran off with a pound of mince out of the back of the van. He seen this when he was standing at the kitchen window and ran out and retrieved the mince, tidied up the packaging and set it back on the shelf in the van. No health and safety man then...
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I'd love to have a cat but it's not really practical when I'm living on a 3rd floor flat as I believe they should have easy access to the outdoors.

A neighbour gave me a black kitten when I was about three or four and I had that cat until I was in my mid twenties and I often think about her. She was an expert at helping herself to things.

One of many favourite stories about her helping herself was when my mother had made a tray of homemade sausage rolls for some sort of event being held in the church hall and she left them sitting on the back seat of the car wrapped up in tin foil and went back into the house to get something else and left the car door open and when she came back out again a little later the cat had eaten all the sausage meat but not the pastry so the car was full of big fluffy bits of pastry.

There was the other time someone had given my Dad an enormous 15lb salmon which was left in the kitchen sink full of water and the cat had managed to pull it to the floor and start eating it.

There was also the time years ago when the owner of the local shop used to drive around all the remote farm. One time he left the door open and the cat ran off with a pound of mice out of the back of the van. He seen this when he was standing at the kitchen window and ran out and retrieved the mince, tidied up the packaging and set it back on the shelf in the van. No health and safety man then...

Ah, she sounds like quite the character :wub:

To be fair, Poppy rarely steals food. Crisps is one of the few things she will pinch, as is cheese. She is a sucker for cheese. Lexi, on the other hand, you have to watch like a hawk. She thinks the milk jug and the butter dish are there for her exclusive use... :wacko: Wouldn't swap either of them for anything in the world, love them both to bits.

Even if not five minutes ago I ended up stepping on a "present" left camouflaged on the carpet... :whistle:

P.S. Rescues usually have cats needing indoor only homes if you're ever of a mind. Either they have an issue e.g. they're deaf, so outside is a no-no, or they're FIV+ and so can't really mix with other cats. If there's a means, there's a way ;)
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