Not very "mundane", unless of course you are "Pink", my little kitten who has decided that a world without Brothers & Sisters is too scary and won't engage! I cuddled her till quite late last night, had to nip to the loo, after that she hid under the couch.
I've put food out and I'll just leave her for now.
Unless any cat people know a trick or something I'm not doing?
Awh bless
As I mentioned t'other day, she's probably still too young to be away from her mum and siblings, and likely hasn't been socialised very well. Give her time, she is in a completely strange environment after all, so it may just be sensory overload. The first night I had Poppy, Poppy spent that night in the airing cupboard hiding behind the hot water tank.
What you can do is sit on the floor, bringing yourself down to her level. Just sit calmly, with a book or something, and then she will eventually decide that you might not be quite so scary after all. A human is, from a kitten's perspective, a giant in truth. Toys are also a good start - something like a feather tickle stick is generally irresistible, or any kind of teaser / interactive toy. Yummy treats (dreamies, tuna, lick-e-lix) are also good, though you don't want to go overboard just incase they lead to rear end explosions.
Do you have something like an igloo bed? Or even a cardboard box with a nice fleece blanket, cushion and maybe a soft toy to snuggle up against. Something like that will make her feel far more secure.
This can take time, and it's best to do it in little baby steps. Don't go "all in" on her, let her learn to trust at her own pace.