Mundane News

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Sheffield, UK


Sheffield, UK
Oo, oo! 'A House Through Time' is back on BBC2 tonight.
I find such social history fascinating.

Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
Morning all. Another quiet day here, sunshine, light winds & coffee on the go. Just trying to decide whether to head north to the roads around Rendlesham & Tunstall or west to Elmsett & Wattisham on this afternoon's ride.
Those all sound like TV detectives:reading:.


Legendary Member
In May the Fragrant MrsP and I took part in ‘virtual full marathon’ that is to run 26.2 miles in the month either in one go or over the month. We did it in aid of Blue Cross for Pets, raised a bit of cash.
TFMP did it in one day, I did it over eight days. We got our medals today.


Well i did not get out on the turbo,,lazy sod i cleaned the conservatory windows inside and out instead.Ironed a small amount of bedding,and final bit of news,Son has texted depending on us being accepted as his references as to paying his rent if he cannot,looks like he has a very nice modern flat ,in Manchester,Salford Quays,one bedroomed and living room and kitchen combined.He is setting up home with his GF ,i am really pleased for them both.
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