That is the same saw that I have, swapped it for a shotgun that I couldn't sell. our local farm supplier is also a firearms dealer, he did a trade for a new one and a helmet with visor.
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I might be in trouble
Wish you lived closer, I'd be around borrowing that to accidently try to trim a piece of wood or something & accidently cut the fudgin neighbours conifers down they are 12ft tall & hang over our fence, I really hate them!
You are right, Cracking bit of kit, mine usually saws logs that I have been given, however its also gone down the park and dropped a few dangerous ones (with permission)
Line of sight would definitely be an issue from below ground level.Aye, there is a flat next door but the problem is elevation. I'd need to be down on the ground floor (or lower) but then I wouldn't have a line of sight.
Well done .Idid thirty
I did in the end, but the breeze here wasn't light it still had evil about it, some real gusts over 20mph I reckon.Do it! It's really good cycling weather here, 25 degrees but with a light dry breeze - none of that sweaty Atlantic air.