Mundane News

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Über Member
I have cycled, strictly within the guidelines as set out by Welsh Govt. I have showered. I have lunched. I have also found the source of irritating creaking noise, it's the rear hub, fades and goes away completely when pedalling. Free wheeling down a hill and it sounds like the whole wheel is going to come to pieces which at 50+ kph is a terrifying thought and prompts immediate and heavy breaking!

Sadly the replacement/service/repair is beyond my means & knowledge. Wonder if I can borrow enough money to buy a new rear wheel?


Über Member
*Sigh* another £40 spent on the bike. The "Bank Miser" is not going to be happy. Ordered replacement bearings for rear hub, hopefully the right ones!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
But why would it ''throb?'' Two slightly different frequencies (1.5 Hz out, if that's what 90 beats a minute works out at) would explain it. Incidentally, I went and had a nap, reran the tone generator and found the note(s) to be closest to 155 Hz which puts it a little flat of E. I first thought that it must be around E but I must have got some harmonic interference going.
The theme for today's photography challenge is "Red, white and blue"


Red and white race overalls, blue and white helmet. One of my paintings. How could I not? :blush:
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