Mundane News

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Obviously an Aubergine

Artichokes have started producing :hungry:
Tesco went ok - timed my arrival for final reductions... :whistle:

Managed to pick up a fair few bits on my list on YS - breakfast items, fruit, veg, that sort of thing. Although they brought out the chilled stuff and the fruit & veg at the same time, so lost out to the opportunist who walked off with a trolley full of cheesecakes.

I wanted a cheesecake. :cry:

Did pick up some smoked fish that's a standing request from a friend who is shielding, however. :angel:
I just noticed the motto on your avatar ,interesting ...."loyalty will hold me forever" , unless l am mistaken ?

I reckon some form of ''bound'' could translate lier. Loyalty forever my bond. Forever bound by my loyalty

Close. :smile:

Loyalty will always bind me. :blush:

It's based on Richard III's personal motto "loyaute me lie" i.e. "loyalty binds me" but in my case it refers to my motor racing loyalties. :blush: The clue to that is the helmet that's in the avatar. :smile:
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