Mundane News

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Über Member
My wife has just gone shopping on her scooter, first shopping for 4 weeks, I had to let her go, her scooter will do 20 miles on a full charge so the 3 miles to town and back was a regular thing, I have to wait an hour for a phone call, I will go out and pick up the first batch of shopping up in the van, the second shop (tesco) will be bought back on the scooter....... more coffee for me.
My wife has just gone shopping on her scooter, first shopping for 4 weeks, I had to let her go, her scooter will do 20 miles on a full charge so the 3 miles to town and back was a regular thing, I have to wait an hour for a phone call, I will go out and pick up the first batch of shopping up in the van, the second shop (tesco) will be bought back on the scooter....... more coffee for me.

We have a similar arrangement using the Bakfiets

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
My dog just howled, apropos of nothing I can detect.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Didnt mean to laugh about your grandson, hope he didnt hurt himself.
Just reminded me of a bathroom that I tiled for a friend many years ago, his son (6 year old) "borrowed" a philips screwdriver from my tool bag, went to his bedroom and took all of his bedroom furniture to bits!!!
No worry, he's absolutely fine and probably hasn't learnt any lesson from it. It won't have done the bike's bottom bracket any good though.
Thanks for the prompt @Andy in Germany
Just tried to call the social security office, they are paying me sick pay that I am not entitled to, phone lines are busy and a recorded message saying call back, I have emailed them instead

Good idea. If in doubt I send faxes, because then they know I can prove what I sent and when. We had problems with a "charity" in the past that ran for several months despite repeated letters until we sent a fax and they acknowledged it in 24h...

Now sent a copy of my contract by registered post and email with a return receipt: I don't trust the Employment Agency having had threatening letters in the past...
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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
In the pharmacy queue for my neighbour. Not open until 10.30 so popped to the other pharmacy for allergy tablets for her, now in the other queue for her prescription. Must say the independent we use is much better than this Lloyds on opening times.

The pharmacies in town invariably do not have one of my wife's medications. You also know that when you drop the prescription in & come back later it won't be ready.
The R.U.H in Bath used to play Eric Clapton s Let It Grow. I didn't think it would be very good if you had cancer.
I didn't get it when I rang up about my prostate cancer but I would have seen the funny side of it .


This one was a sort of German pop music that sounded like it was from the 1990's.

This is no surprise: most German pop music sounds like it was from the 1990's
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