Mundane News

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Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
"Breathe in for 6 seconds then out for 6 seconds"-sound advice for us all, as long as you observe social distancing obvs!:okay:


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Up before the shipping forecast so I wish us all a safe cruise on the SS Isolation without knowing what today's weather will bring. I can report a fresh northerly breeze, evidence of showers, and good visibility for those navigating London waters. Of course, if you were navigating London waters, you'd know that already.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Eh up! Got work to do today, I might go for a bike ride, I might not.

I bet your still working out how to get to Banbury in these troubled time ^_^
First cuppa has got me awake
Could be a fun day got to explain to a super Yacht owner why the part i told him was going to be a min of 14 days away should be turning up here later ready for his arrival in UK waters not sure how he will take it .
Looks like another nice day .
So China are saying that 50% more people died in Wuhan than originally reported .... well that's a surprise not
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