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Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
For the second morning running @Hill Wimp is using my freebie Eurotunnel stainless steel flask.
This time without the instructions inside it....

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I couldn't find a way to get my rucksack to sit properly on the rack. That was my original plan but ended up putting it on my back.

Somewhere in the depths of my dungeon I have some Carradice loops which I intend to fit to the saddle - or an excuse to buy another Brooks!

The T bag is the one which interests me though.
Just loaded mine for a working trip in that London :-)



Legendary Member
In Skibbereen now after possibly the slowest 15km bike ride in history but I did detour down every side road and laneway that I seen along the wày.

I've really fallen in love with my Brompton:wub:

That sounds like a great tour you're doing, loverly area. It's funny how you have certain memories of places, it always sticks in my mind driving along that coast heading for Rosslare early one morning when a seagull smashed against my windscreen, white feathers everywhere.
BTW can't wait to see some pictures!

Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
That sounds like a great tour you're doing, loverly area. It's funny how you have certain memories of places, it always sticks in my mind driving along that coast heading for Rosslare early one morning when a seagull smashed against my windscreen, white feathers everywhere.
BTW can't wait to see some pictures!

Oops, I hit a pigeon at about 80mph a couple of years ago, the cloud of feathers was quite a thing. It was no fun picking bits of the poor thing out of the radiator grill which is now cracked.
The cat has sat on my Expenses....
Hind sight?

Deleted member 1258

That sounds like a great tour you're doing, loverly area. It's funny how you have certain memories of places, it always sticks in my mind driving along that coast heading for Rosslare early one morning when a seagull smashed against my windscreen, white feathers everywhere.
BTW can't wait to see some pictures!

I remember some years ago there was a pheasent sat in the outside lane of the M40, everybody was dropping into the middle lane to miss it, I've always wondered if everybody missed it, or did someone hit it eventually.


Legendary Member 70 I might have missed it....:evil:

Edit to reasure that this is a tongue in cheek post before I get pelters for it....:okay:
:biggrin: (I thought everyone did about 80)

Reminds me of a time when Pam (my ex) and I were going up the M1 in her Peugeot 205 and went through some roadworks with heavy traffic that slowed everyone down to around 25mph then slowly sped up after the contraflow bit until we cleared the works and went back up to an 80 odd cruise as usual. After a bit she said to me " Is the car making a bit of a funny noise" now I'd serviced the car in the week before as we were going on holiday up to Scotland for a fortnights 'touring/camping so I was a bit worried. I turned the cassette down for a bit to listen then turned it back up again and told her "You might be better putting it back into top (5th) gear instead of 3rd". :laugh:
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