I had a sparrow hit my helmet while travelling at high speed, like a hammer blow!!
A bumblebee at over a 100 is a big hit, you really notice the impact
Reminds me of the (probably apocryphal) "chicken gun" story. Apparently when the new High Speed Trains were being built in the 1970's British Rail borrowed a gun from NASA that fired dead day-old chickens to test bird strikes on windscreens at certain speeds. Reportedly on the first tests the chicken went through the window, the cab bulkhead and into the engine compartment, causing severe damage and much consternation: If this was so serious the entire project was in jeopardy.
After some discussions with NASA where no cause was found, and checking the materials used for windscreen and bulkhead, it was agreed that they would video the entire procedure from procuring the chickens to firing and send this to NASA for evaluation. The VHS tapes were duly sent and analysed. The reply came from NASA:
"Next time, defrost the chickens."