Mundane News

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There is grey sky with the sun trying to break through at the moment.
Schrodie is sat in between his ball run toy playing with a soft toy . The ball run is a bit like a bobsleigh run partially covered over but with access holes to enable a law to get at the ball. It is made in the shape of a question mark . Apart from giving him loads of fun chasing the ball he usually curls up between it and goes to sleep .


Itching to get back on my bike's
Morning miles ahead see you all later

Back in bed after 46 miles


Vice Admiral
Morning, late up this morning, doggies pleased to see us. Jessiethepup the pup is sitting on my lap, which is unusual. Timmythecat, is shouting at something upstairs, Frankie-two-chews is with the Fragrant MrsP, and Winnie the Cockerpoo is looking forlorn on a cushion.

I have posh tea this morning, with loose leaf tea. Earl Grey.

Please let us know when Winnie finds the lorn.


There was a mini earthquake in our neighbourhood.
Neighbour dropped something very heavy on the ground.
For my biggest surprise no bad words followed that action.
Yay, a good night's sleep with no telephonical interruptions. My get-up-and-go is still AWOL, but am feeling less bleurgh - it's been a couple of years since I had a really bad sinusitis flare-up and I'd forgotten how much it flattens me.

I split a bin of logs this morning.

Plan on getting the bulk of my xmas cards squared away this arvo, and hopefully finish the painting of the Kankkunen / Grist Toyota.
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