Reasonably successful yellow stickering in Tesco tonight. Just me, Tall Guy and Asian Cyclist (who rides a Brompton), plus the usual opportunists.
Quite a bit to be had off the counters, but other than a few bits and pieces, most only had 1/3 off, and to save time, the packs of stuff were just much too big, so not much worth taking. But I did snag some smoked chicken, corned beef and a pack with two trout fillets that *had* gone down to half price.
There were also s**tloads of olives, but I didn't take any as I already have several kilos of olives in the fridge...
Lots (well two crates, which is more than what is the average these days) of chilled stuff, but that was mostly ready meals, meatballs and bottles of orange juice. But I did come back with the one real prize in the crates, which was a shoulder of lamb for £1.97
They left the fruit & veg trolley next to the chilled stuff, and everyone else ignored it.
So I had first dibs on the fruit & veg, and picked up asparagus, tomatoes, mangoes, coleslaw and several packs of mixed dried fruit & nuts.
Also had good hunting in the bakery, with chocolate twists, apple danish, lemon drizzle and chocolate muffins and vegetarian "sausage" rolls.
Add that lot to the rest of the grocery shopping, and the fridge is nicely stocked up for the next fortnight.