Just sent off an email saying no to a job offer.
I'd have been paid more than I've ever been paid before by a considerable margin but it would have meant living there alone for six months with a five hour one way journey back at weekends, then relocating the entire family if all worked out.
The job looked okay, I know I could do it and the colleagues were great. Unfortunately they were crammed into a tiny set of rooms, which was supposed to be a 'temporary' solution but had been the same for over a year because there was nothing suitable in the area, and everyone had to be very organised and tidy.
Like a lot of very creative people I'm the opposite of organised and tidy: at my last job my desk was rarely visible being hidden under a mass of tools, half finished projects, sketches and occasionally paperwork. This was fine because we had the extra space and my colleagues worked the same way. In this place I'd have just frustrated my Very Organised Colleagues and this wouldn't have been good for the clients who were people with Psychological disabilities.
Back to making applications...