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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Another train.

Deleted member 1258

Yes. They were part of my growing up. They were full of wildlife, ant hills, moths and butterflies, rabbits. We used them in the winter to toboggan down , and we managed to do it once in the summer after we had flattened the grass and made it shiny. They would often go up in flames in the summer, I think it was set alight on purpose at times to keep it under control. It has now become overgrown with trees now .

I was brought up on a council estate on the outskirts of Folkestone, we had an allotment that ran down the side of the house then a railway line running alongside the allotments, a short distance away was a disused line that we used to play along, and the whole family used to go blackberrying along, mum used to make blackberry jam in an old tin bath that was delicious.
I lived in a house for eight years that backed onto the Manchester-Chester line and managed not to hear the heavy limestone trains after a while. They were usually hauled by Cl 37's and made up of ancient wagons from I think about 1929. I recall the locomotives were noisier going up the hill with a full train but coming back empty the wagons made a right din.

One side of the family was a three generation railway family. My dad was extremely strict about not crossing the railway fence. Ironically of course there aren't any here.´

If I end up being offered the Job in the south corner of Germany I'll be able to see loads of French, Swiss and German trains because we'll be close to the main line up the Rhine.

In other news, I've got heatstroke so I'm stuck in the apartment. I tried going our a couple of times and had to retreat indoors.
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They tend to roost on the roof.

And? Is this worse than air cannon going off? do the birds snore? have wild drunken parties? I think we should be told.

Crows, seagulls, the odd goose.

I was going to ask what was odd about the goose but then I realised it was sleeping on your roof, so that answered the question.
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If you're missing a digit later on thiss morning, she heard.

All my parts and pieces are still intact. :blush:

Although she did bite my nose when she wanted her breakfast. :whistle:
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