Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
No stage yet.

Still at that stage then.
Good morning! Are we all bright eyed and bushy tailed on this clear and slightly cool Saturday morning?

We've had a lot of rain since yesterday. The ground is sodden. There was 1-2" of rainwater lapping at the step to our back door last night. All drained away this morning fortunately.

The kids are now off school for six whole weeks. If I progressively start to sound a little crazed or grumpy during my posts during this period, you now know why and you have my apologies.

My plan for the next six weeks is to fuel the kids on jelly babies, mars bars and Soreen and get them riding as much as possible. They will be that tired come evening they will want an early night (8:30PM ish) and a late morning (in this house 8AM ish - this is very late for us; can't waste the day).

Let the tiring-out begin!
Not really. Someone messed with my fizzy water last night....:wacko:


You turn your back on it for 5 mins!!!

FinL garden.. He had a gardener but he was 90..



Leg End Member
Not really. Someone messed with my fizzy water last night....:wacko:
That'd have been this morning. They must have really messed with it, if morning was night for you.
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