- Location
- Chippenham,Wiltshire.
As one of the commentators said " Truly unbelievable ! " 

CTC email newsletter. Adjusting breaks - oh dear. It's one thing mis spelling words in informal settings, but in a news letter going to thousands...
Latest news is that the stage arrived back at the hiring company 30 mins late, but they're getting it to us as fast as possible.
As the one occupational therapist in the team I'm obviously the most useless right now so I'm making sandwiches.
Can you make a cuppa that's somewhere near drinkable, and enough so there's no empty cups?The stage arrived.
It's the wrong one.
This means that instead of a two hour build we have a four hour build because stuff we'd planned afor tomorrow needs to be done as the stage is built.
As the one occupational therapist in the team I'm obviously the most useless right now so I'm making sandwiches.
You could have watched and learnt!Stage built.
Half past nine in the evening local time.
Now the people who know what they're doing can programme the lighting system and stuff.
Fortunately I don't so I can go fairly soon.