I live in a very nice village. However, I don’t think I’d dream of letting my 7 year old walk to school in her own in today’s (UK) climate. Every third or fourth day we get an email from the local schools warning us of stranger danger where a kid on the street has been approached by someone.
Germany sounds like a much nicer place to live.
What a strange idea. Sounds like the schools are terrified of being sued if something did happen so they are sending out emails that scare people to cover their own backsides. I don't blame them, but it is very sad: the vast majority of adults will automatically help a child in trouble.
As an example, Beautiful Daughter has enough self-confidence to fill a moderately large ship, partly due to being ten year younger then her 3 brothers. One day she simply wandered off through the village: Beautiful Wife was helping at the kids club at our church and she went to "visit".
She was about three at the time.
We were later told that she just told anyone who asked "I'm going to see my mum" and carried on. Eventually someone who recognised her brought her back.
Her entire adventure lasted all of five minutes, I've often wondered what would have happened if she'd decided to get on the bus...