Mundane News

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S W France
In the wee small hours my dogs made enough noise to wake the dead . Barking and having a happy time protesting about some unseen threat outside !!
Woke me up at stupid o'clock ...couldn't sleep for the racket. Now the dogs are fast asleep and l am knackered ....:wacko:

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Hmm... Not sure I can justify four pannier bags. I could get one red one and one blue one I suppose, but wouldn't that look a wee bit odd?

They also come in black, grey and eye-watering yellow.
Black goes with everything, although I also have khaki, and bright blue, which goes on the Corso, because of the period style and attachment, made for a Pletscher.
Right :cold: here this morning, but it was dry, so I went for a :bicycle:

My poor bottom. I have three spare saddles, none of which suit me. I've fitted the least worst to the bike, but owwwwwwwwww!!! Fortunately my new Charge Ladle arrived five minutes after I got back, and I'll be fitting it to the bike after lunch.

And we all know what new tweaks on the bike mean.

Another :bicycle:

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