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Leg End Member
Hang on, where's @classic33?
Oddly enough, near one such place at the time he posted.


Do you eat the bottom of the hot cross bun first or the top?
I had to think about that for a second.........then the image of the bottom popped into my head, so bottom first please, and I think some hot cross buns will have to pop into the shopping trolley next time I'm out.

As I'm not allowed much milk or dairy atm.. With meds I'm having hot x buns for breakfast.. I find it's best to just devour like Homer Simpson . And salivate as much as possible..
When I'm avoiding diary or out of milk, I have porridge for breakfast, made with water with demerara sugar for the crunch.
Having a :cuppa: and a biskit.

Knackered. Needed to move a whole load of books and DVDs to get to my big camera bag to find my 1Dmk2. My poor 10D is starting to show its age and was acting up on Saturday when I was supposed to be taking photos at our show for the local paper. Flash shoe is caput, focusing is ropey and the batteries don't hold much charge anymore.

Not sure whether it's worth trying to get it fixed or not... Plus I'd need new batteries for it. FWIW, I bought the 10D new in 2004, and it's given me sterling service since.
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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Having a :cuppa: and a biskit.

Knackered. Needed to move a whole load of books and DVDs to get to my big camera bag to find my 1Dmk2. My poor 10D is starting to show its age and was acting up on Saturday when I was supposed to be taking photos at our show for the local paper. Flash shoe is caput, focusing is ropey and the batteries don't hold much charge anymore.

Not sure whether it's worth trying to get it fixed or not... Plus I'd need new batteries for it. FWIW, I bought the 10D new in 2004, and it's given me sterling service since.
Lots of progress in cameras in the intervening though.


I went to the tip on the way to Pilates but I was 5 minutes too late and they'd just closed the gates. Next week ...
Lots of progress in cameras in the intervening though.

True. Especially when it comes to low-light performance. The 10D is brilliant outdoors in ambient light and indoors with flash, but anything over 400 ISO it struggles. Ditto the 1Dmk2, but then I didn't buy it to use indoors.

Will see how much it will cost to fettle the 10D. Third party BP511s are cheap enough. Might keep it as a walkaround camera to take to places I wouldn't take anything poncy, but something like a used 5D has its appeal. I don't do enough photography now to warrant spending too much money, and while I could get a new body, the budget I envisage will only get me a low end DSLR with far too many idiot modes.


I had to think about that for a second.........then the image of the bottom popped into my head, so bottom first please, and I think some hot cross buns will have to pop into the shopping trolley next time I'm out.

When I'm avoiding diary or out of milk, I have porridge for breakfast, made with water with demerara sugar for the crunch.

It's Diarrhoea I'm trying to aviod @Katherine :stop::whistle:
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