Mundane News

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Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
My bin was emptied most satisfactorily.

There was a minor crisis in the retrieval act however. I had reversed my car down the drive slightly further than normal. This necessitated the bin having to wait half way down the drive until I next took the car out, enabling my wife to then shimmy the bin through the resulting gap betwixt car and railing.

All is well now.

Nice to hear. I will not have any significant news until Thursday before Fridays collection.
Full of cold and want to sleep for a few days, no chance, work has to be done, it is the last week and so much to do.
I hope you feel better soon.


Un rouleur infatigable
If that isnt a phrase used to insult older people then it should be.

I’m sure anyone using today’s technology will recognise at least one of the runes...
Which is on his desk, somewhere.

So first I need to find my desk...

I'm reading a book called The Village Carpenter at the moment (again). It's the memoirs of a Victorian carpenter, and it's fascinating. The difference between a carpenter and a joiner? Carpenters never used glue. Maybe the Germans had thought of some cunning adhesive-based defense against hordes of horsemen.

As with window sills, we have a different definition in Germany: a 'Tischler' or in south Germany 'Schreiner' is qualified to make everything from chairs to windows, and these days interior walls. A 'Zimmerman' makes everything else: lead bearing walls, frames, and especially roofs. House roofs in Germany weigh as much as the house they are covering. In our last apartment the ridge beam was a tree trunk. I have a couple of friends who are "Zimmerer": They're crazy people who love designing and building roofs high up in all weathers and can do complicated maths in their heads. But they get to wear a cool uniform.


My iron has passed away quietly in it's sleep. RIP.
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