The knitted Christmas trees are progressing. I could not work out to attach the baubles (very small shiny buttons) in place, and then be able to move them about, as you do with a full-size tree. Sewing them would mean that to move one, I would have to unstitch lots of others, and stitching them in place individually would be very fiddley.
A ha! thought I. In the kitchen drawer with the miscellaneous freezer bags are lots of tiny twist ties. These will provisionally place the baubles in position, but will be easy to re-arrange them if required. I have divided up the buttons into colour "themes" - red, goldy shiny, white shiny, and the sort of buttons with a diamond effect etched in the plastic. They are mostly the buttons that I inherited from an elderly relative. Some of them are tiny ones, which look as if they would have been on a wedding dress.
Now what about tinsel? Do you put tinsel on your tree? The larger of my knitted trees is about 12 inches tall, therefore about one sixth scale. So if tinsel is about 1.5 inches, then my knitted tinsel needs to be about …..

0.25 inches. The twinkly wool that looks best, imo, is 0.5 inches. What does the panel think about the relativity of size of tinsel to knitted trees?