Salty seadog
Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
I gots a goatee.
I had a goatee for about 5/6 years but then thought 'why have a beard and still shave every day?'
full beard for the last 20 years.
I gots a goatee.
Alas, at 40 I still don't yet have the fuzz for a respectable full face beard. However I've noticed that with a goatee people don't notice the rest if it's looking a bit unshaven, so it still saves work.I had a goatee for about 5/6 years but then thought 'why have a beard and still shave every day?'
full beard for the last 20 years.
Morning! Don't panic! I have remembered that it is bin day and I will put the recycling out.
One of our local bus routes has changed: it's utter pants now.
I'm suspicious that they're making it inconvenient so no-one uses it.
This would also explain why the bus never turned up: can't get much less convenient than that.
I need a shave.
Updates will follow.
I also need a shave but I'm not going to have one.
Screw you Establishment.
......... I am aware that several members must be suffering dreadfully as I still haven't revealed the exciting details of the Great Tram Windowsill Observations.....
Shaving complete. Todays included a complete beard trim (with scissors) and a 'double' shave using boiled water from the kettle and traditional safety razor. This is where I do a rough shave first to reduce the length of the unnecessary fuzz and then repeat more carefully to make a close shave.
This is the result of laziness for several days, mea culpa.
I know a three bladed razor or one of those newfangled electrical abominations would probably remove most excess foliage in one pass, but I have found from long experience (which I could probably explain in great detail, you have been warned) that the end result from a safety razor and two passes is far superior.
So there.
PS: I am aware that several members must be suffering dreadfully as I still haven't revealed the exciting details of the Great Tram Windowsill Observations. Unfortunately I have to do coursework today, which is even more mundane than this thread, so it will have to wait...
I was with a group of art students and lecturers in Barcelona many years ago and one night shaved half my beard and moustache off ! Nobody noticed until I stared them straight in the face.Alas, at 40 I still don't yet have the fuzz for a respectable full face beard. However I've noticed that with a goatee people don't notice the rest if it's looking a bit unshaven, so it still saves work.
I did warn that I was going to be scrupulous in examining your posts on this subject for terminological exactitudes. Let me start with "sill" (I believe "cill" to be correct, but I'll let that pass). Are you absolutely sure that trams have window cills?
Aha, that's the exciting thing: some do....
Are you really, really sure? You see, I'm not convinced that most people know what a window cill is.
Some trams have #3, some have #4, some have #3 and #4, but -and this is the important bit, which I know will interest you- not always in the most useful combination.A dictionary of architecture categorically defined the characteristics of a windowsill as:
- The lowest form of window casement. Windowsills hold pieces in place and slope downward to drain water. In a well-hung window, the lower sash rests on the chin;
- The horizontal piece below a window unit in masonry construction or in wood framing. The window sill of the window frame sits on the window sill of the wall opening;[1]
- The lowermost, interior trim work on a window;
- Meets the dictionary definition of a shelf "A flat, usually rectangular structure composed of a rigid material, such as wood, glass, or metal, fixed at right angles to a wall or other vertical surface and used to hold or store objects."