Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Am enjoying a late night :cuppa: in the company of the cats and some old Touring Car videos.
Oh, I thought you said some old touring cat videos.
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I've just come back from my ride. I met a large group of cyclists coming towards me. I didn't stop to count them as I wasn't sure if it would have the same effect as counting sheep! :whistle: I think there were a dozen.
On my return trip I stopped to try to take a picture of a Raven sat in a tree. As I tried to get into a position to take a picture the Raven decided it had another idea and flew off to chase some Jackdaws.
I cycled back home and met another cyclist cycling towards me. I raised my hand in a friendly gesture and was greeted by a puzzled expression! :eek: Was it the sight of sartorial elegance that greeted him of me wearing jeans, cycling jacket, motorcycle scarf and gloves? :eek: Or was it the shine from my polished ally bits? :wacko:


The hedging arrived in a massive box at 11-15.By 15-30 84 were planted 6" apart,in a very straight line.I am knackered,started off by trowelling the holes but there was at least 12" of root on some of them,so i got out the spade and opened up the soil trench like,my back oh my back.The trench had fantastic soil in it because i had dug it out this summer and filled it up with compost and manure,so it was easier.All went well but by the end i was shattered.Watered in and i will take a photo in four years time when it has got going,they are all about 2' tall now.Forgot to mention Mrs Postman helped she passed them down to me and she also mixed up the bone meal and compost as we gave the roots a great start in life.

Maverick Goose

A jumped up pantry boy, who never knew his place
The hedging arrived in a massive box at 11-15.By 15-30 84 were planted 6" apart,in a very straight line.I am knackered,started off by trowelling the holes but there was at least 12" of root on some of them,so i got out the spade and opened up the soil trench like,my back oh my back.The trench had fantastic soil in it because i had dug it out this summer and filled it up with compost and manure,so it was easier.All went well but by the end i was shattered.Watered in and i will take a photo in four years time when it has got going,they are all about 2' tall now.Forgot to mention Mrs Postman helped she passed them down to me and she also mixed up the bone meal and compost as we gave the roots a great start in life.

Good stuff Postman!:notworthy:


Leg End Member
I am a survivor :thanks:
Your badge.


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I went to the garage to pick up the van after a timing belt change, braced for a whopping £350 bill.
"Didn't we ring you?", the man at reception said. My heart sank.
"It doesn't have a timing's got a chain and you don't need to get anything done."
It's not often that I've driven away from a garage without having to pay a single penny.

Edit: My sincere condolences to @PeteXXX and @wicker man.
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