Rubbish night's sleep. As I was eventually drifting off at stupid o'clock (so late it's almost early) there was a persistent slow ticking noise. I was pretty sure no crocodiles were after me.... and eventually got up to try and track it down. FOund the culprit - a slow but steady drip of water from the ceiling landing on the stairs. Immediately below the boiler which is in the 'camping cupboard' upstairs.
Investigation shows a leak on a pipe under the boiler. Much finding of old towels, mopping up of soggy carpet and rummaging out of a couple of convenient mess tins (since I was scrabbling in the dark in the camping cupboard) to catch the worst of it ensued. Then I went and found a reasonable size bowl and a sharp thing to puncture the ceiling wallpaper and release the pint or so of water that was bulging ominously above the bottom of the stairs, then set an early alarm so I could text the plumber as soon as wouldn't be obnoxious this morning. Eventually rang them at about half 8, when they were just going in a customer's door for day two of a boiler install... they'll be round later today, as soon as they can.
Bah. Bang goes the summer holiday savings fund.